Batman Director Chris Nolan in Multi-Million Lawsuit Over Movie Profits


British director Chris Nolan and his wife, Emma Thomas, have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit at LA County Superior Court against their former and current agents.

“The Dark Knight Rises” producers are claiming that their current agent at WME was trying to take a percentage of their earnings from deals signed under Nolan’s old agency CAA, worth millions in commissions. This could also cover future sequels and even film projects that have yet to be announced.

Nolan and his producing partner wife filed the lawsuit in LA on September 6, and are asking the court to protect them from the agents’ claims over their money, thought to be worth around $250million.

CAA is claiming its still owed money from the same films, so the conflict leaves Nolan in the middle of the fight.

Nolan and Thomas said in their lawsuit that they are willing to pay the commissions they owe, but are asking the court to decide who is entitled to the money.

They state that they don’t want to risk paying one agency only to later down the line be sued by the other. The winning agent will be entitled to a staggering 10% sum of the gross.

The problem came about when Chris’s long-term heavyweight agent, Dan Aloni was fired from CAA, and then snapped up by WME.

Hollywood in the meantime will have wait with baited breath for the outcome, which could affect Aloni’s other A-list clients.

Oh dear, this is how Hollywood rolls I guess… It’s all about the dosh!