Rupert bears his teeth on gay parenting

Poor old Rupert Everett does seem determined to upset people these days.

  The ageing actor, who previously alienated many of his fans by describing the gay marriage issue as “tiresome” because of all of the “middle-aged queens” who are so terribly “egocentric and vain” has now moved on to the subject of gay parents.

And it ‘ain’t pretty people!

Rupert, who shot to fame as a fey public schoolboy in the acclaimed stage play “Another Country” thirty years ago, told the Telegraph recently: “I can’t think of anything worse than being brought up by two gay dads. Some people might not agree with that. Fine! That’s just my opinion. I’m not speaking on behalf of the gay community. In fact, I don’t feel like I’m part of any ‘community.’ The only community I belong to is humanity and we’ve got too many children on the planet, so it’s good not to have more.”

Is he serious?

Everett also told how his family’s military background, which included his father serving as an Army Major, meant “some things were simply not talked about.”

Rupert’s mom clearly doesn’t share her son’s hostility to the idea. Perhaps it’s just a hankering for some grandchildren, but Mummy Everett told the press: “In the past, I have said that I wish Rupert was straight and, I probably still feel that. I’d like him to have a pretty wife. I’d like him to have children. He’s so good with children. He’d make a wonderful father. But I also think a child needs a mummy and a daddy. I’ve told him that and he takes it very well. He doesn’t get angry with me. He just smiles.”

At least Rupert isn’t throwing his toys out of the pram just yet. Maybe later though…