Royal Marine and British soldier killed in Afghanistan

A Royal Marine and a British soldier have been killed while on patrol in Afghanistan, the MoD has said.

They died from injuries sustained in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province on Wednesday.

DEADLY: more than 400 British servicemen have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001

The personnel were from 40 Commando Royal Marines and 3 Medical Regiment. Their families have been told.

The BBC’s Caroline Wyatt reported that according to one Afghan source it was a “green on blue” attack but added that other local sources disputed this.

Our defence correspondent, in Kabul, said there were very sketchy details of what happened and an investigation was ongoing.

More information was expected from the Ministry of Defence on Thursday, she added.

Green on blue attacks are when coalition troops are killed by their Afghan allies.

Maj Laurence Roche, spokesman for Task Force Helmand, said: “I am extremely sorry to announce the deaths of a Royal Marine from 40 Commando and a soldier from 3 Medical Regiment serving with Task Force Helmand.

“This is dreadful news for all of us serving in Afghanistan. Our sincere condolences go to their families, friends and colleagues at this time of grief.”

A total of 435 British military personnel have been killed in Afghanistan since operations started in 2001.

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