Marty Goes to Hollywood: whip-round gets Scottish actor to celeb-laden premiere

Scottish actor Marty Docherty from Castlemilk in Glasgow was enjoying his moment in the sun last week as he took in the sights of Hollywood to mark the opening of the new film Cloud Atlas, in which he shares screen time with Tom Hanks.

Marty Docherty, who has a small part in the movie, had been sitting in a pub with his friend, film maker Ian Bustard,   telling tales of Hanks and the movie’s other stars, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving, Jim Broadbent and Susan Sarado. He was thrilled to land the part but admitted to pals that he wouldn’t be able to afford the cash to attend the premiere.

His kind friends and loyal neighbours in Scotland created the Facebook page ‘Get Marty to Hollywood’ started a campaign to get him to the premiere in Hollywood on October 24th. The money was quickly raised to get Marty on his way and the dream began! Marty and three film makers headed over to Los Angeles for a ‘mind-blowing’ week to experience the life of an actor here, they took meetings with agents and attended acting classes. The unwavering kindness that was extended in Glasgow reached this side of the Atlantic too as Marty connected with BritsinLA, a popular Facebook group among British ex-pats, founded by fellow Brits Eileen Lee & Craig Young. They in turn introduced  the team to Santa Monica publicist Christine Peake, CEO of Santa Monica’s leading PR firm peakPRgroup and together they embarked on the quest to secure tickets for Marty to attend the Premiere.

To get ready for his big night on the red carpet Marty even got to experience the Hollywood pampering at Santa Monica’s TIKKUN medical spa, where he was treated to complimentary luxury treatments and was able to indulge in pampering and a little rest and relaxation after a non-stop week!

Marty got to go to the Premiere with his loyal film team and even attended the after-party at the glamorous SOHO House. The perfect end to a terrific story built on a dream that was realised with kindness that stretched far across the Atlantic.

Word of Marty’s grand adventure even reached as far as Holyrood House, with First Minister Alex Salmond saying: “I am delighted to send a message of support from here at Holyrood for Marty Docherty’s quest to go to Hollywood.

“I had my own chance to attend a Hollywood premiere earlier this year when I was privileged to see the first screening of Brave, so I know what a thrill it is.”

He added: “The determination and initiative shown by Marty and his friends are every bit as impressive as that of Merida in Brave and I know that Marty will be terrific ambassador for Scotland in Los Angeles.”

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