British American Business Council Announces J-1 Visa Program

The British-American Business Council has announced a J-1 Visa program which can help businesses to bring employees and/or interns  (in or out of full-time education), of any nationality and from anywhere in the world, into the United States.

The J-1 Visa is an invaluable tool to provide US work experience and/or training to employees and interns (potential employees) based elsewhere. It also allows businesses to broaden the national/cultural demographics of staff, enhance employee recruitment and retention by offering US assignments and can improve communication and understanding between US and overseas offices.

The J-1 Visa Program is also quick; it has been authorized by the US Department of State since 1986 and can process completed applications within five business days. It is also user-friendly, with all administrationand logistics handled by Program Administrator at BritishAmerican Business.

The J-1 visa is open to all nationalities and to employees based anywhere in the world (if interns are still in education, they must be at UK educational institutions). The visa is valid for up to 18 months for trainees and 12 months for interns, but the company involved must have a business relationship with UK. Business sectors that typically use the J-1 Visa include Management, Business, Commerce, Finance, Law, Industry, Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Information Media & Communications.

Michelle Joseph, Chief People Officer, of Chicago-based TradingPartners, said of the program: “Working with the British American Business Council in the J-1 visa program proved to be the most seamless, cost effective, and organized process.  We experienced fast response times working directly with the BABC program manager, and as a result were able to quickly and efficiently secure a J-1 visa to bring our colleague to the US for training.  We look forward to enhancing our relationship with the BABC even further as a result of our positive experience.”

For more information please contact Valerie Blackholly via email at:  or  by calling: (949) 472-2221.

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