Editor resigns over naked Kate pics

  • The editor of the Irish Daily Star newspaper has resigned over the publication of topless photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge.
The photographs were taken while the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were on a private holiday

Michael O’Kane was suspended from his post in September while an internal investigation was carried out.

The tabloid published pictures of the duchess and Prince William sunbathing on a private holiday in France.

Media tycoon Richard Desmond, whose Northern and Shell group co-owns the paper, had threatened to shut it down.

Best interests

The Dublin-based Irish Daily Star said in a statement: “As a result of the publication on 15 September 2012, issues arose with the shareholders of Independent Star Limited.

“Having considered those issues in tandem with Mr O’Kane, it is Mr O’Kane’s decision to resign as editor of the Irish Daily Star, effective immediately.”

Both co-owners had criticised the decision of Mr O’Kane to publish the pictures, although Independent News and Media said closing down the title would be disproportionate.

The Irish Daily Star re-published the photographs in September after they appeared in French celebrity gossip magazine Closer.

The pictures were used by publications in France, Italy, the Irish Republic, Sweden and Denmark. No British newspaper has printed them.

They did not feature in the Northern Ireland edition of the Irish Daily Star.


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