Walk of Fame star for Helen Mirren

Dame Helen Mirren gave a witty and original speech on Thursday as she unveiled  her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Best of British: Helen Mirren
Best of British: Helen Mirren

The veteran British actress, an Oscar winner for her turn in “The Queen”, said “I couldn’t be prouder and more happy that I’m actually going to finally lie next to Colin Firth, something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time.”

She added: “I think it’s very good for the British monarchy that here on Hollywood Boulevard, the King and the Queen are going to actually sleep together, for the rest of history.”

The actress was awarded the 2,488th star and said that when she first visited the famed Walk of Fame 25 years ago, Hollywood was a different place: “This wonderful, glamorous, historic boulevard was hiding its glamour somewhat under a cloak of disrepute. It was more a hangout for the broken dreams of Hollywood.”

She went on to say: “I am honored to join the ranks of both the famous and the ‘who the hell is that?’ group.  Maybe someone  in the future generations of visitors to this place will know my name and will say, ‘Do you  know, she got her star at the age of 67. Can you believe that they thought that was old in those days’?”.

She added, “I’m so very, very proud to be henceforth walked upon, have fries dropped upon, maybe even be peed upon by future generations of tourists, Angelenos and their dogs. But please, please no chewing gum.”

Writer and director David Mamet, the actress’ husband Taylor Hackford and their sons Rio and Alex joined fans who cheered Mirren on as she unveiled her star.