Ruby Wax: out of her mind on the Broad Stage

RUBY WAX, an American comedian who has found fame and fortune in Britain, can be seen from now to February 9th in Ruby Wax: Out of Her Mind, a one-woman show at the Broad Stage in Santa Monica.

Ruby-waxRuby is best known to Britons for the fearless interview style she honed on television and radio in the late 1980s and 1990s, where she found success as a celebrity interviewer on shows including “The Full Wax” and “Ruby Wax Meets”. Wax traded heavily on her uncomplicated and direct American persona, and was unafraid to ask the kind of personal questions her British counterparts might shy away from. Among her interview subjects were Sarah, Duchess of York, Boris Yeltsin and Pamela Anderson. She memorably was ‘stabbed’ by OJ Simpson with a banana after interviewing the disgraced former footballer on Britain’s Channel 4.

Out of her Mind was a big hit at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Wax’s performance as been described as ‘funny, brash and tender’. In the show she explores the ups and down s of mental illness, its stigmas and ‘the freedoms you discover when you share the darkest moments of your life’.

For tickets or more information visit

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