Lynn Helm benefit at Cock & Bull

DJ Danny, The Lads and Carl Roberts among the performers

lynn-helmnNext Saturday, Feb. 9th, The Cock & Bull in Santa Monica is holding a benefit for Lynn Helmn, a well known local expat who is on the road to recovery after suffering a brain aneurysm late last year. The fun kicks off at 6pm with live music, an auction featuring fabulous items, a raffle with great prizes, a sign-in book so Lynn can get the boost she needs from seeing all those supporting her. Plus  lots of good music from local bands and it’s all emcee’d by DJ Danny. This is a great opportunity to get together with friends old and new and it’s all in a great cause.

The ever-popular local Irish expat band The Lads will perform from 6pm, followed by Twelve After and then the original Celtic soul brother, Carl Roberts. There will be a donation box on-site and those who cannot attend can still donate at or call 310 902-8254


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