BABC Breakfast with David Gauke MP set for April 10th

THE BRITISH-American Business Council is presenting a breakfast with David Gauke MP on Wednesday, April 10th from 7,30am-9am as part of its Distinguished Speaker Series.

david-gaukeMr. Gauke is Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury at Westminster, responsible for strategic oversight of the UK taxation system among other roles. With the challenges of the global economy, the recent financial turmoil in Cyprus and the Eurozone and the need for the advanced industrial countries to stay competitive Mr. Gauke gives a unique opportunity to hear about current and future UK tax policies and initiatives.

Joining Mr. Gauke will be Mike Williams, HM Treasury, Director, Business and International Tax; Judith Knott, HM Revenue and Customs, Director, Corporate Tax and Oliver Haydon, HM Treasury, Private Secretary to the Exchequer Secretary. The event will be introduced by British Consul General, Dame Barbara Hay. This is the only opportunity to hear Mr. Gauke speak during his short visit to Los Angeles.

The event will take place at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Le Grand Trianon Room,9500 Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills. Tickets area $35 for BABC members, $55 for non members. Limited seating is available so please register online at or at by April 8th.

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