Local DBE chapter celebrates 50th Anniversary with Oxnard Luncheon

tower clubThe Dunkirk Chapter of the Daughters of the British Empire in the USA celebrated their 50th anniversary last week with a luncheon at the Tower Club in Oxnard (pictured, left). The lunch was made possible by a donation from a former longtime member of the Ventura County chapter, Winn Singleton, who was also the chapter’s historian. Sadly Winn recently passed away. Winn’s daughter Heather Thomasser and charter member and regent (1963-65) Mildrec Sorem-Woolsey were present at the lunch as were various members from the DBE State Board, Janet Arce, Second Vice President, Edwina Clark, State Organizer and Rosaleen Mackay, Communications Secretary. The lunch was organized by Valerie Lowerison and Hazel Facciano.

The DBE is a non-sectarian, non-political philanthropic organization for women of British or Commonwealth birth or ancestry, founded in America in 1909. The main objective of the DBE is the support of the four District Homes for retired men and women who are residents and/or citizens of the USA. The society also seeks to promote closer relations among English-speaking peoples.

The Dunkirk Chapter meets regularly in friendship and fellowship. Further information is available from Valerie Lowerison. Email: valerielowerison@gmail.com