Star Trek villain ‘is relevant’, says latest Brit baddie

Benedict Cumberbatch has suggested that his Star Trek Into Darkness villain John Harrison is a socially relevant character in the age of global terrorism.

Benedict Cumberbatch in 'Star Trek Into Darkness'
Benedict Cumberbatch in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’

Cumberbatch stars in director JJ Abrams’s Star Trek sequel, which opens this weeken, as John Harrison, a terrorist whose true nature is shrouded in mystery for much of the film.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Cumberbatch described his character as “a one-man weapon of mass destruction”.

“[He’s] driven by super-human levels of emotion,” he explained. “The care he has for his people, his crew and his family is a complete parallel to Kirk.”

Cumberbatch went on to suggest that Abrams’s portrayal of terrorism in Star Trek Into Darkness has resonance in modern society.

“Well, sadly, it’s all too relevant – one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. He’s someone that’s activated and manufactured in a way by Star Fleet, and it’s a scene that has come back to haunt him,” he explained.

“And you don’t have to look far into the daily news cycle to see, whether it’s US foreign policy or the actions of some terrorists, how this is a modern day truth that we sadly have to live with.”

Cumberbatch recently praised Star Trek Into Darkness as “a feast” for the eyes, in addition to referring to the movie as “bedazzling”.

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