Foreign Secretary to do lunch in Los Angeles


British Foreign Secretary the Rt. Hon. William Hague will be appearing at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Century City on Wednesday, June 26th as a guest of honor of the The Los Angeles World Affairs Council and the British-American Business Council (Los Angeles).

The event, from 1-2.30pm, is titled ‘Britain, The US and a World of Opportunities’.

Mr Hague is the most senior member of Prime Minister David Cameron’s cabinet, and has been a Member of Parliament since 1989. His visit comes as the US, the UK and the other EU member states are beginning to negotiate a free trade agreement, even as some European and eurozone economies appear to be sliding back into recession. Whatever comes out of the free trade talks will have relevance for anyone running a business in the US and Europe. Since becoming Foreign Secretary, Mr Hague has made engagement with emerging powers an important part of Britain’s diplomatic and business effort, strengthening the UK’s presence through the opening of new diplomatic Posts in Latin America and increasing Britain’s representation in China, India and elsewhere.

The Foreign Secretary is at the forefront of some of the most difficult international political issues of the day, notably the Middle East peace process and Syria. He is a strong proponent of human rights and equality and recently pushed through a new international protocol on preventing sexual violence in conflict.

After studying at Oxford and getting an MBA at INSEAD, one of Europe’s top business schools, Mr Hague worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Company before going into politics. He was Minister of State for Social Security and Secretary of State for Wales before serving as head of the Conservative party from 1997 to 2001. He became Foreign Secretary when the Conservatives returned to government in 2010.

Tickets are $55 for BABC LA Members and advance reservations are required. Call (424) 258-6160 by Monday, June 24th.

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