Fun with the Toscars…

By Craig Bobby Young and Eileen Lee

Welcome to the second installment of our Brits in LA weekly column. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it?!

It seems a lot of you must be planning road trips this summer as we have received tons of messages this week asking for information on how to get your hands on a car. For leasing you can’t go wrong with Volkswagen Santa Monica or Pacific Audi as they both offer the Foreign Business Professional Leasing program. They take a look at your other circumstances and not your (often non-existent) credit score. For renting you need to get in touch with fellow Brit, Zoe at Express Rent a Car. Her rates start at $18 a day and she also rents to under 21s! All their contact info can be found on our website,

mislesbastilleshowinviteBrits in LA has many facets, including offering advice, organizing events as well as providing friends in a box (if you come to one of our events you will see what I mean!). The Toscars are another side to us and is a short film competition we have been hosting for six years. Our members get together in randomly selected groups and make five-minute parodies of the Oscar nominated films over the course of three weeks. Film makers get to work from the day the Oscar nominees are announced and then present their finished original product at our screening night held the Tuesday before the actual Oscars. This year we were lucky enough to host our event at the historic Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood and had celebrity judges including Oscar winner Eric Roberts decide who deserved to be awarded our Golden Fist.

Miserable Lesbians (a parody of a certain musical set in the French revolution) swept the board and won almost every award on offer. Not completely satisfied with just winning a bunch of Toscars they have now gone off and turned it into to a live musical! They are taking it to New York and in August will be performing it at the famous Edinburgh Festival.

If you are intrigued to see what this is all about, the clever people behind Mis Les have an LA preview coming up on Bastille Day, Sunday July 14th at 3pm. If you would rather attend their launch party this Sunday and hear a few songs from the show you can purchase tickets at the link below. Be warned, their songs may include a few naughty words here and there, so don’t attend if you are easily offended.

Tickets, priced $15, are onsale now and can be ordered at this link

The Mis Les cast will be singing at their poolside launch party buffet concert on Sunday June 30. Tickets here


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