Meet A Member – Chris Hack

Photo:  John Anthony Sutton
Photo: John Anthony Sutton

Christopher Hack  moved to Los Angeles two years ago from South London. Chris originally worked in Post Production but has moved over into the Real Estate industry since crossing the pond.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

One reason and one reason only; my wife, Nicole. We met in London in 2010 while she was on vacation and hit it off. Got married 18 months later and here I am today! It would have been easier for her to move to the UK as she is a dual citizen, but she comes from a very close-knit family and I didn’t want to take her away from her home.

What one thing do you miss from home?

So many little things! Match of the Day, rainy days and bacon sarnies. Getting up at 4am to watch the football is not so much fun.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

For me it has to be the sports culture. In American sports you judge someone by their statistics, down to the smallest detail. Whereas in the UK you just look at how the player performs and decide if you think he/she is any good.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I’d have to say Topanga and Decker Canyon. Absolutely breathtaking scenery as you drive from the Valley to the Ocean or vice versa. You have to be extra careful with he narrow roads on Decker Canyon but it is totally worth it!

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here ?

Plan ahead. The United States is a completely different world to the United Kingdom. I’d say make sure you have a car, plenty of pocket money as most things cost money here. And also LA is a metropolitan city full of all walks of life, so make sure you come with an open mind!

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