Local cameo for Ambramovich mega yacht

THE CLOSEST most expat Brits will get to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich is watching him on the TV during a Chelsea game. But locals in Santa Monica and Malibu this week could at least get a good gander at one of his yachts, the imposing, 377ft ‘Luna’, billed as ‘the world’s largest expedition’ yacht.

Roman's Empire: Luna is the world's largest expeditionary yacht
Roman’s Empire: Luna is the world’s largest expeditionary yacht

For those of us who are unfamiliar with the term, an expedition yacht – also known as an explorer yacht – is a vessel designed for long-range cruising in conditions from the polar to the tropical, with all the accommodations and facilities you need to spend months at a time on the water.

Luna, which was delivered in 2010, certainly fits the bill. She features two helicopter pads, a large swimming pool, a medical center and a “sunbathing beach club” leading down to the swim platform…not to mention a crew of 40 who will cater to your every whim.

The ship had been spotted sitting off the Malibu Pier on Saturday morning, and anchored in Santa Monica Bay on Wednesday night, where its occupants – the Luna is frequently chartered by the mega-rich – enjoyed a front row seat of the famed Wednesday night yacht races.

But it’s unlikely Abramovich himself was in residence. He was seen in London on Sunday afternoon watching his beloved Chelsea beat Hull in the Premier League opener, and when he is on the water, his preferred boat is the Eclipse (pictured), which, at 536 feet, has long since eclipsed Luna, which it seems, is destined for lesser mortals….

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