Meet a Member: Emrhys Cooper

emry-cooperMeet Emrhys Cooper from Totnes in Devon. A graduate of the Laine Theater Arts College in London, Emrhys made his his debut in London’s West End in the Queen Musical ‘We Will Rock You’. He moved into film’s with a part in Stephen Fry’s “Bright Young Things”and was also cast in the movie version of “Momma Mia”. Since moving to the States five years ago, Emrhys has worked consistently, most recently on the small screen in shows including Desperate Housewives and CSI: NY.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA ?

I always dreamed of moving to LA ever since I saw a program about LA when I was about 12 years old. It’s known as the land of opportunities and I guess being in entertainment made me gravitate towards it.

What one thing do you miss from home?

I miss my family and friends.. And going to the pub!

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

The weather and driving everywhere. I do feel people have a much more open attitude here. I like the optimism people have towards the arts here.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I adore Pace on Laurel Canyon, its also right by my house. I also love eating out in Silverlake and Downtown.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

I would say… Save up before coming as the first year or so might be a struggle to get on your feet. I wish I had, as it took me a couple of years to find my feet. Come out here for a visit for a couple of months to see if you like it, make some friends. Moving out here when you already have a support system will make the transition easier.

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