British breakfasts and celebrity signings…

By Eileen Lee

Hello Everyone and Happy Birthday to our adopted city. Los Angeles is 232 years old this week! 

Gold-Ol-FredaBrits in LA have been very busy as usual – we have some great events coming up, including the return of our Pub Quiz next Tuesday, September 10th. So get your team together and come and join us at The Pikey (7617 Sunset Blvd). The fun starts at 7.30 pm.

One of the most popular questions we get asked is “Are all members of Brits in LA from Britain?” and the answer is no! We welcome everyone from any country and contrary to popular belief, not all members are actors either!

Our motto is “You don’t have to be British, you just have to like us”.

We are looking forward to welcoming the new British Consul General, Christopher O’Connor in a couple of weeks. Please take note of their new office location. The British Consulate has moved from its longtime home on Wilshire Boulevard to: 2029 Century Park East, Ste. 1350, Los Angeles CA 90067. New telephone number: 310/ 789-0031. New fax number: 310/ 203-9542.

I had a very exciting Brit celebrity spotting moment last week. I was at new Hollywood restaurant Acabar (1510 North Stanley Avenue), and who should walk in to but all three members of Bananarama! They all looked exactly as I remembered – I’m still kicking myself for not getting my camera out…but I guess it’s a cruel, cruel summer! I wonder if they are planning a reunion…. Andy Bell from Erasure, Howard Jones and the Human League are all performing this month, so maybe Bananarama will be surprise guests.

Thought some of you may be interested to see this new film “Good Ol’ Freda”. It’s about a Liverpudlian teenager who was asked to work for a local band hoping to make it big. Freda Kelly ended up working with The Beatles for their entire career. She tells her story for the first time in 50 years. Opens September 6th at the Sundance Theatre on Sunset Blvd.

Thats all for this week. Make sure to check our website for all the event details I have mentioned. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions at Eileen@Britsin.LA 

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