Hugh after Booker prize?

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Hugh Grant’s been threatening to give up acting for years (although some might argue that he never really started), but now he reckons he’s ditching his day job to become a novelist.

The 49-year-old Four Weddings star is turning his back on Tinsel Town and hunkering down to write a book.

Hugh said: “I have always promised myself that when I have made some nice films and earned some money, I’m going to write a novel.”

This isn’t the first time Hugh’s threatened to leave the limelight, but then he always signs on for another film. Last year he claimed he liked “everything about filming except the acting” and often refers to his job as a “miserable experience”.

The box office takings for his last movie, Did you Hear about the Morgans? were certainly pretty miserable – oops, did I just say that?

So maybe he might as well give writing a go, perhaps an autobiography might be best though. It could be called Luvvie, Actually… Hmm I like that!

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