British American Business Council OC Business Awards

tammy storinoThe British American Business Council of Orange County will hold its 2013 Business Awards on the evening of Thursday, September 19th at the Island Hotel in Newport Beach. This year’s awards winners are Tammy Storino (pictured, left), the CFO St. John Knits, Shaheen Sadeghi, CEO of Lab Holding, LLC, Alan J. Fuerstman, founder and CEO of Montage Hotels & Resorts and Chris White, General Manager of Sports and Entertainment and Vice President of Global Sales for Cisco’s industrial (IOT) solutions.

The event kicks off at 6pm with registration and networking, followed by the awards dinner at 6.45pm. Tickets are priced at $85 for members, $95 for non-members. The Island Hotel is located at 690 Newport Center Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660. For reservations call Valerie Blackholly at (949) 472-2221 or visit

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