Essential LA: British gigs, pub quizzes and a good curry

Great Brits: The Pet Shop Boys  (photo: Charlie McBrearty)
Great Brits: The Pet Shop Boys (photo: Charlie McBrearty)

Hi Everyone!

Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes! I had a lovely celebration weekend, kicking off with dinner at Soho House , then on to the Pet Shop Boys gig on Saturday and ending up at our monthly Sunday Roast! So very British indeed!

The Pet Shop Boys were fantastic – I have been very lucky at catching all the good shows recently and each one just gets better and better. I don’t just go to see British acts though – I went to see the gipsy punk band Gogol Bordello last week. They are amazing, such high energy and seem to be so excited to be performing live, even after all these years. They are hitting the UK in December, so if you are home for Christmas, I highly recommend going to see them.

Our monthly Pub Quiz at the Pikey is proving to be rather popular , so we have decided to make it a weekly event. Team ‘Our House’ won for the second time in a row, so if you think you have what it takes to knock them off their pedestal come join us on a Tuesday night, starting in November. Questions are not all British so it’s handy if you have a clever non-Brit friend on your team. Those without a team can hope on an existing team when you arrive too, space allowing.

Massive congratulations to our Craig! His film Return to The Hiding Place won lots of awards at the Bel Air Film Festival this past weekend. Such a lovely film and based on a true story about the brave Dutch resistance during the Second World War.

As you know our Halloween party, Dead British is coming up and tickets are selling fast. Visit our website to purchase yours. If any of you know of any traditional Bonfire Night celebrations we would love to hear from you, as this question gets asked again and again. Drop us an email at

Our favorite ruby: India's Grill
Our favorite ruby: India’s Grill

Since the weather has turned colder, the main topic on our Facebook page seems to be food! In particular, where to get the best curry!? Do you have a favourite? If so, please share with us and we will pass on to our members. My go to place is India’s Grill (428 South San Vicente Blvd, 90048) but I would love to check some others out.

If you fancy joining us at any of our upcoming events, feel free to contact us if you are a little apprehensive coming alone. We have all been in the same boat and absolutely love welcoming new people to the Brits in LA community!

Don’t forget to check our website Britsin.LA for all info on any events and Brit acts performing around town. Martin Jarvis and The Mighty Boosh have shows this weekend, as does our featured member John Altman, so as you can see there is something for everyone!





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