Pub Quizzes, Christmas Parties, and those fabulous Britannias…

By Eileen Lee and Craig Young

Hi Everyone! 

 Save the Date! The Brits in LA 7th Annual Christmas Party & Toy Drive for Adopt-A-Letter is set for December 3rd. We have booked the venue, and will be hosting at new hot spot Pearl’s on the Sunset Strip. Full details to follow – make sure to keep an eye on your invites as they will be arriving very soon!

bla-InteractiveJaguarIf anyone has a decent mistletoe supplier, please drop us a line at – it seems to be like gold dust during the month of November!

We have had another busy week at Brits in LA – Tuesday’s Pub Quiz at the Pikey was a lot of fun and team ‘Our House’ got ousted from the top spot by new champions ‘Sexy Pubber Funkers’!

‘Our House’ did come second though, which meant they got a chance to put their hand in the lucky dip – aka Craig’s Box! The bonus raffle prize of dinner for four at Beverly Hills restaurant Bedford & Burns (369 N. Bedford 90210), was won by Steve Hanlan – so congratulations to him too!

Come join us every Tuesday. The Pikey is located on Sunset Boulevard just east of Fairfax. Plan on arriving about 7.30pm if you need to jump on a team.

Last Friday I hosted ‘Steve’s Big One’ honoring our football blog contributor Steve Sidelnyk’s 50th birthday. We were at the Pikey (as usual!) and British chef Ralph Johnson made a very unusual birthday cake. The Americans amongst us named it a chip buddy cake, however no one can mistake this classic dish for anything else other than a Chip Butty! This wasn’t made of sponge to look like a sandwich but proper white bread, with butter and french fries!

Rule Britannias!

bla-eileen-rhinoBAFTA/LA put on quite an event this past weekend! Craig and I were lucky enough to attend the Britannia Awards as guests of Jaguar USA and I have to say this may have been the most entertaining awards yet! Not least because I was in the same room as George Clooney! Craig happened to be sitting right behind honoree, Sacha Baron Cohen, so I can’t resist sharing these pictures of him snapped from the screen! For those of you that missed the show – which aired on BBC America last Sunday – Sacha Baron Cohen was presented with the Charlie Chaplin Award,

which he received in a very controversial way! Visit our website Britsin.LA if you want to see the video.

We also managed to catch up with a few of the other guests including Dominic Cooper, the beautiful Bérénice Marlohe and Mark ‘Rhino’ Smith. We also got to see the stunning new F-Type Jaguar that was on display. If you fancy checking it out for yourself, I hear it will be appearing at the LA Auto Show too from November 22nd. Get tickets at

Make sure to check out this week’s Meet A Member – we feature British Weekly’s very own editor Neil Fletcher! Find out how he ended up here and much more. If you need a date for the LA Opera, he is your man!

That’s all for this week – make sure to visit our website Britsin.LA for all the details on any of the events I have mentioned here. Or drop me a line at



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