Lots to be thankful for…

Belated Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely feast and spent it with good friends! Or perhaps some of you took Craig’s advice last week and helped out at a homeless shelter?

©Photo by Claire Bullivant
©Photo by Claire Bullivant

It is such a good time to reflect , as there are constant reminders all around us to give thanks this time of the month.  It made me take a look back at just the last couple of weeks and I really feel it is a perfect time to say Thank You to Los Angeles for giving me such a fun, fabulous and fulfilling life. Through Brits in LA, and Los Angeles in general, I have made so many good friends and experienced so many different and unique moments. In the past seven days alone, I have hosted a pub quiz in the middle of Hollywood, (every Tuesday at the Pikey!), test drove an Aston Martin DB9, for Women Behind the Wheel, benefiting the Red Cross. I also attended a magnificent performance of Matthew Bourne’s, Sleeping Beauty at the Ahmanson Theater, and to top it all I was part of the Doctor Who Celebrates 50 Years party at the Cat and Fiddle.  I even managed to spend time with several dear old friends over the past two weeks – including a couple that I befriended almost 17 years ago, when I first arrived in Los Angeles.

The quality of life in California always amazes me, as whatever our circumstances are, most of us seem to get to have a pretty pleasant time. So I hope at some point this weekend those of you who have made California your happy home will take a minute to give thanks!

Denise Letter_edited-1We get to do something very nice next week too – as it is our annual Christmas party at Pearl’s on the Sunset Strip on Tuesday December 3rd – there are still a few tickets available, so visit our website www.britsin.la to purchase yours. Thank you as always to Volkswagen Santa Monica for their continued support and for co-hosting this event with us! We will be collecting toys for one of our favorite charities – AdoptALetter.org – Baroness Kimberly Moore has been running this program for six years now and we are proud to say Brits in LA have been supporters from the very beginning! It all started 10 days before Christmas in 2007, and Kimberly wondered what happened to all the Santa letters sent by under-privileged kids in LA … she was horrified to find out that nothing happened and they all went unanswered. Adopt A Letter  – is exactly that. You can visit the website and choose a letter to answer and adopt. We collect unwrapped toys at our party for all the kids who didn’t see the point in writing a letter to Santa. I also try to adopt one personally, every year. This one from Denise age 11, is particularly touching – what she wants most from Santa is a cure for her kidney disease, so she can feel like a normal child. These letters are all real, and from kids in the LA area.

I really hope you can join us at our party next week – feel free to come solo as we are a friendly bunch! We love hearing from you, so don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you have any questions, big or small.



PS. Special thank yous to Sandro Monetti, Tessa Shaw, Claire Bullivant, Julie Gray-Antis, Steve Sidelnyk, Karen Ferrari & Jean Karasek!

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