Not so Posh, after all

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Vic-bore-ia Beckham dropped her Posh image in an interview with Glamour magazine this week.

In the interview, the usually pose-hard star talks about motherhood, hubby David and the fact that she still gets starstruck, and dresses up as a overwrought housewife for the pics.

It’s nice to see her normal side for once, especially as she’s been appearing more and more without her terrifying trademark heels and scowl.

She says, “I travel a fair amount, and when I’m here in L.A., everything revolves around the kids. So if I’m not working, I go to the school and help serve lunches to the children.

‘They just love that. It’s like, Oh, there’s Mummy serving me! The other day I was there, I was reading to Cruz’s class. All the little girls were saying, “We really like your dress. And it was quite cute because I don’t have a girl.’

Although I say ‘normal’ – she does go on to say that she once shared a plane with George Clooney – not exactly your down-to-earth flight experience!

Posh also opened up about her husband being a heart-throb and says she doesn’t get jealous.

“I look at David and I think, ‘He’s so handsome and I’m so lucky to have him as a husband’, she says. “And he’s an amazing father. “I don’t blame people for looking at him and finding him attractive. I mean, I do.”

So do I love, so do I!

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