Meet a Member: Matt Crabtree

Meet Matt Crabtree from McLeansville, North Carolina, – who traces his ancestry back to Yorkshire and Ireland – and who moved to Los Angeles to continue his acting career 13 years ago.

Why did you choose to move to Los Angeles?

Meet-a-Member-CrabtreeI was living in NYC when I made the decision to move to Los Angeles.  I chose LA because of all the TV and Film production here at the time vs. NYC.  I was wanting to show my work on a much larger scale … and the weather…a no brainer.

What’s the one thing you miss about home?

Drinking sweet iced tea and not worrying about gaining weight.

What’s the biggest difference between LA and your home town?

Also the biggest difference between here and NC are the politics and the weather.  100 degrees and 100% humidity in the summer are no joke.

Do you have a hidden gem in Los Angeles you’d like to share with us?

My hidden gem in Los Angeles is quartz – come find it.  Wait that’s not what you meant.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

My one piece of advice to anybody wanting to move here…research, research, research, study, study, study, stay to the far right during rush hour, and take Waring.


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