Meet A Member: Amanda Eliasch

Meet Amanda Eliasch from London and Paris, who moved to LA six years ago…to pursue life to the full. Amanda works as a fashion editor for Genlux Magazine and is a poet, artist and film-maker, recently award winning six awards for her semi-autobiographical film ‘The Gun the Cake and the Butterfly.’


AMANDA-ELIASCHWas there a particular reason you chose LA?

I love film, art and anything creative and Hollywood is the town for that. I think everyone comes to LA for some sunshine and a bit of showbiz.  I arrived on a sunny day and it is still sunny here!

What one thing do you miss from home?

Marmite and scent. I like expensive French scents, Caleche and Daphne Guinness’s scent from

England. Wearing hats and long stylish coats. London is a little more put-together than Los Angeles too. I miss the history of London when I am here.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

The weather, old friends, old bricks, a love of Bach and Mozart. Instead I watch the Oscars

and the contemporary composers replace Strauss and Elgar. I love contemporary architects and the modernists like Hal Levitt and Neutra. I miss going out late too, though I am health conscious, I find that people go to dinner early here and then to bed by 9pm. In London dinner is at 9pm, in LA one is going home around that time…

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I love Palm Springs; it’s one and a half hours away, Malibu twenty minutes. The Observatory in Las Feliz, Scientology and Yoga may keep us a little more sane than normal, depending on your peccadilloes. Good friends like Peter Medak and Michael Wincott and British Weekly columnist Sean Borg make life cheerful.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Remember to be in love as it is the Wild West, relationships are tough here, everybody is out for themselves, so be prepared to spend much time alone, there are lots of single people and lonely people, but also very talented people. However, there certainly is hope here, and doors do open.


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