New Year, New Resolutions, New Laws…

Happy New Year Breeps!


'bout time: fighting to keep my fitness in the New Year...
’bout time: fighting to keep my fitness in the New Year…

A New Year means new beginnings and saying goodbye to the year that just was, and looking forward with new hope and new goals.

This year I have decided to start taking care of my body and mind. Last year was good but living the highlife (wink) can sometimes take its toll on you.

My first goal is to give up smoking – And so far so good! I’ve given up smoking before but usually by summer holidays time I’m back puffing away – but this year I’m gonna stick to it. First with cold turkey see how I do – then if not I’m going to try Allen Carr’s Book Easyway to stop smoking. (  I have friends who swear by it. And if that doesn’t work then I’ll try my hand at a hypnotist-to-the-stars Kerry Gaynor, who apparently is the man according to my smoke-free friends. (

For those who have sucessfully nipped the habit in the butt, so to speak, let me know what worked – I’m sure our readers would love to know!

My second goal is to be in the best physical shape possible – so I will be upping my training sessions with Your Body By Design to two sessions a week. JC is really one of the best there is  – He has such a good bedside manner and knows just how far too push you without making you want to pass out….but with measurable results too. Visit him online at:

My third and final goal is to eat better – My good friend Sean bought me a juicer blender combo called the ninja for christmas and I will be getting a lot of good use out of it to help complete my new healthy lifestyle. Check out the website at Good luck with any other resolutions you may have going!



Every January there is also a new set of rules that come out in California, So I thought it might be good to let you know about a few:  Transgender rights: Students will be allowed to participate in school sports and use the bathrooms consistent with their gender identity, regardless of what is listed on their birth certificate. However, the law could be suspended next week if a group called Privacy for All Students has enough signatures validated to put the issue on the November ballot. Gun control: Eleven new gun-control laws were signed into law in 2013, including a ban on the manufacturing or sale of large-capacity magazine conversion kits. Possession of large-capacity magazines will be banned under that law beginning July 1. Domestic workers: Nannies and caregivers will receive overtime pay for working more than nine hours a day or 45 hours a week under a law billed as the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Minimum wage: Minimum-wage workers will see their hourly pay rise from $8 to $9 beginning July 1, with another $1-per-hour increase in 2016. Abortion access: Nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and physician assistants will be allowed to perform first trimester abortions under a bill to expand access for women seeking the procedure. Juvenile offenders: Minors prosecuted and convicted as adults for serious crimes will be given a second chance at freedom under a new parole hearing process that allows their cases to be reviewed after serving at least 15 years of their prison sentence. Past crimes: State and local governments will no longer ask job applicants on initial applications about past criminal convictions until determining whether the person meets minimum qualifications. The law takes effect July 1 and exempts some agencies, such as law enforcement. Undocumented drivers: The Department of Motor Vehicles is drafting new regulations and preparing to process applications from undocumented immigrants eligible to drive on California roadways sometime on or before Jan. 1, 2015. The DMV estimates 1.4 million undocumented immigrants could apply for driver’s licenses over the next three years once the program is implemented. Teen texters: Anyone under 18 years of age can no longer use hands–free technology to send or receive text messages while driving. Texting the old-fashioned way was outlawed in 2009. Shutterbugs: Paparazzi will have new restrictions for photographing the children of celebrities under a law that expands the current anti-harassment protections to include recording or photographing a child without consent in a way that causes substantial emotional distress. Big cats: Mountain lions will receive additional protections requiring California Department of Fish and Wildlife wardens to relocate the animals and use lethal measures only when immediate death or harm is anticipated. The law was signed in response to outrage in Half Moon Bay in 2012 when wardens shot two orphaned 4-month-old mountain lion cubs.

This week our regular BiLA events are back up and running – we have a Sunday Roast (Jan 5th at The Pikey), Brits Breakfast sponsored by NextStop LAX (Jan 7th at Cecconi’s) and The pub Quiz (Jan 7th at The Pikey) – Hope to see you around.

Take care, happy New Year to you all and the best of luck sticking to your goals…




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