Burn Baby, Burn!

The Scots came out flying last Saturday night for a wonderful shindig!

Flying the flag: Deputy Consul General Bernie Greene at our Burns Night Dinner
Flying the flag: Deputy Consul General Bernie Greene at our Burns Night Dinner

Brits in LA hosted its first-ever Burns night supper at the aptly-named Bedford and Burns in Beverly Hills. (Kindly sponsored by Glenfiddich and The Balvenie). Guests got to enjoy some very fine whiskeys paired with their meal of Haggis, cock-a-leekie soup and roast beef. It was my first time trying and haggis and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Lorne Cousins piped in the haggis, while Skotti Collins blessed and welcomed the majestic dish. TV’s own Ross King gave a smashing toast followed by some cracking comedy by member Wendy Wason. Member Ewan “Mc”Chung won the Scottish accent poetry competition and Lorne once again piped us all out. It was very nice to have in presence our own deputy general consulate, Bernie Greene who gave a heartfelt speech validating the Scottish presence in LA. Also in tow was a lot of the staff from the consulate including our very own Caroline Beddie who led us quite the Scottish dance. Impressive!!!! And Liz Sterling’s Mum happened to be in town and had a grand time, saying “How great it is that we have a community that cares so much about each other.”

Too right!

 Still a Starr – The past week also saw the Grammy awards at the Staples Center where our beloved Sir Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr were honored. I myself was very honored along with the artist Keaton Simons to work with the Starkey Foundation’s Grammy mission of helping fit over 60 local kids with the gift of hearing. Starkey do such incredible work and I’m so proud of the work they do globally. Their mission is “So the world may hear.” And they do just that by going into impoverished countries worldwide and helping these young kids hear with the power of hearing aids. It’s pretty remarkable. Check them out to see how you can help. www.starkeyhearingfoundation.org

Key Benefits – Brits in LA key members were treated to special events this week, a private screening of the new Kate Winslet movie ‘Labor Day’ and Aston Martin’s exclusive VIP event with whiskey and nibbles to preview the Bespoke Vanquish Volante VIP Event at Aston Martin Beverly Hills, yet another reason to become a key member.

Pilot season is just about to start which means more Brits descend on the land of opportunity in hopes of getting discovered and landing a coveted TV pilot. We wish you all lots of luck out there and hope you land something.

Thank you to lots of sponsors who have come aboard our annual film making event the Toscars Geek Eyewear, Beltran Brito Immigration Services, Upakweship shipping company, Pollution Studios (see advertisement this page) and The Camera House for all your camera needs. We still have some sponsorship opportunities available, contact me at craig@britsin.la for more information. Also tickets go on sale Monday Feb 3rd, 2014. Check out www.thetoscars.com for ticket info.

See you at the Breakfast Club at Cecconi’s, sponsored by Next Stop LAX or our weekly Pub !uiz at the Pikey both events happen every Tuesday.



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