What the Butler saw

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Lucky Lothario Gerard Butler got an eyeful of Jennifer Aniston’s fabulous-at-forty-one bod this weekend when he jetted out to Mexico to celebrate the star’s birthday.

And I’m pleased to say that Gerry looks like he’s slimmed down since the pics taken of him a few weeks ago looking less than lithe. Well, if you’re going to hang out with Ms Aniston, you need to be into the gym!

The ‘are-they-aren’t-they’ pair has been in Cabo San Lucas along with Aniston’s pals Courteney Cox and Sheryl Crow, and is fuelling speculation that they’re enjoying an off-screen romance.

They were supposedly canoodling at a Golden Globes after-party and exchanging lovelorn looks at the Hope for Haiti, but some cynics are saying that it’s all a stunt to promote their new movie, The Bounty Hunter, which conveniently is out in March. Funny how Ms Aniston seems to have a new boyfriend whenever there’s a film to promote…

And according to sources, Butler stayed in a separate pad to Jen.

‘Gerard had his own one-bedroom villa with a private pool, but he joined Jen for all the celebrations, and they looked extremely friendly but not overly flirty in public,’ said a source.

Looks like they’re just Friends to me!

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