Meet a Member: Jake Thornton


Meet Jake Thornton from London who moved to LA 7 years ago to pursue the bright lights of Hollywood. He just sold his script Winters Knight for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

 Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

I had been touring the world as an actor in the Tom Waits/William Burroughs Musical The Black Rider. In 2006 the show played at the Ahmanson Theater in LA, and I just got the LA bug. I loved the lifestyle, the sun, the sea and the dangling carrot that is the film industry. It feels like the creative hub for the world, and one that has big dollar signs attached to it if you succeed. While I moved out here to become an actor, I found my writing eventually becoming more important and that is what has ultimately given me success.

What one thing do you miss from home?

Walks in Richmond Park on a warm summer’s evening.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

In the entertainment industry in the UK, people always say no. But no doesn’t always mean no. In LA, people always say yes. But yes doesn’t always mean yes….

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Sweet Lady Jane on Melrose and La Cienega for tea and cake. It’s divine.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Don’t move here just for the entertainment industry. It can take a long time to get things going here. Move here because you love LA. That way, if your career doesn’t immediately take off, you’ll at least be in a city you love. Also, surround yourself with good, honest people. Your friends will become the most important part of your life.

Lastly , how can we find you on the Internet?

I tweet @jakethornton

I occasionally blog at



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