New pounds, Mother’s Day, and the importance of numbers…

The British budget was announced this week, making it rather apt that this month seems to be all about numbers. 4.4 being the one us locals were talking about at 6.25 am last Monday morning!

Fortunately the earthquake caused no major damage, but served as a not-so-gentle reminder to be prepared. I recently stocked up on a few emergency supplies – water purifying tablets being at the top of my list. Check out website which will help you get a little organized for the big one.

And speaking of numbers: MH370 is the number that is on the whole world’s mind. Here’s hoping that by the time this newspaper goes to print the missing plane has been found. I find it so hard to fathom that a 777 can just vanish – let‘s hope for the worried families’ sakes that this gets resolved quickly, one way or another.

On a lighter note, March 30th is Mothers Day in the UK – we have partnered up with Dean Morris Cards who are offering 15% off for Brits in LA members. Visit us on Facebook for all the details. We will be marking the occasion with a Sunday Roast at Palihouse, so feel free to join us! is another great card site, especially last minute – you can even design your own and have it shipped directly to your Mum. They start at about $5, which is a great deal when you factor in the price of postage. Moonpig has certainly helped get me brownie points with my Mum in the past!

Now for a bigger  number….$1 million dollars is the sum of the deal Jake Thornton and his writing partner Ben Lustig managed to negotiate with Sony for their Winter’s Knight script. Jake has been a Brits in LA member almost since we started, so we are all particularly proud and pleased for his ‘overnight’ success (which took seven years!). Make sure to pop over to our “Meet A Member’ section as he is this week’s participant. Drop us a line at if you want to nominate someone to be our featured ‘Meet A Member’ or maybe you fancy having a go yourself?

April 15th is the deadline for individual tax returns – if you aren’t ready don’t forget to file an extension, this gives you an extra six months to prepare.

6800 is the number of Brits in LA members we have reached this week! Thank you all for making our group such a bustling and useful community for so many. Don’t forget, you don’t have to be British you just have to like us! If you find your request to join is taking a long time to process, please drop us a line and give us a nudge.


Coming in 2017: a new pound coin
Coming in 2017: a new pound coin

Back to the budget that George Osborne announced this week; thankfully he had the sense not to raise fuel tax this year as it already seems rather extortionate. It seems they are scrapping the £1 coin (which has been in circulation since 1983!) and introducing a 12-sided replacement. So make sure you spend all those loose pounds before 2017, or perhaps send them all to your mother?

My lucky number is 8, although I am quite partial to 13 too – what’s yours and why ? Tweet us at @BritsinLA or get in touch with me directly @Eileenies!




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