Good theatre and lunar tics…

Winners and losers at our pub quiz (photo: Marina Pagnucci)
Winners and losers at our pub quiz (photo: Marina Pagnucci)

This week’s lunar eclipse seemed to have turned much of this star-obsessed city into stargazers of another sort – although I’m not crazy about the moniker ‘blood moon’.  But it was such a nice change to have everyone looking up at the sky for once, and not down at their incoming texts or emails! Although I must admit I did get out my camera a few times to try and capture this natural wonder; as I am sure did most of you, judging by my Facebook newsfeed.  I think I need a lesson in photography, as the twenty photographs that I took were quite pitiful.

Easter is only a couple of sleeps away and I have already had my fair share of Cadbury’s Creme Eggs! To make up for it, my vow for Lent was to give up not exercising, so for the last two weeks I have been taking advantage of the YogaWorks free trial for Brits in LA members. They have locations all over town and classes all day, which makes it really easy to fit in with everyone’s busy schedules. I must admit I was a little afraid at first that I wouldn’t be able to keep up, but the teachers are fantastic at encouraging you to work at your own pace; if you have any doubts throw them out the window!

It used to be said that theater in LA was pretty nonexistent, but now it seems we are spoilt for choice. I saw not one but three plays over the last ten days. Each one was was completely different from the other, all had fantastic casts (except for the common denominator of a token Brits in LA member in the cast) and very compelling stories. Visit our website Britsin.LA for discount codes for The Vortex with our very own Craig Young and also Dr Anonymous, starring Matt Crabtree. Unfortunately Memorandum with BLA member Ewan Chung as the deadpan but hilarious and incessantly hungry office assistant, closes on April 20th – but will let you all know if they plan to extend the run, as it was incredibly different to any theatre production I have seen (in a very good way!).

There are also some great British comedians coming to town, including Jane Bussman (Drop The Dead Donkey) at Largo on May 1st, then Russell Howard will be there on May 9th. I am planning to go to both, so feel free to come along.

Brits in LA Pub Quiz is still every Tuesday – pop along next week to the Pikey on Tuesday if you are free, as Sandro Monetti will be hosting a very special St George’s Day Quiz along with this week’s Meet a Member, Victoria Fratz! We have also added #TBT Bingo to our weekly calendar. You will find Craig, his Bingo balls and dabbers down at the Parlor on Melrose, any given Thursday.

Back to Easter Sunday – if you have no plans we are hosting an Easter lunch at Palihouse in West Hollywood. Don’t hesitate to come alone as we really are a friendly bunch! Drop me a line at if you would like me to save you a seat.

For all information on any events I have mentioned, please either visit us on Facebook or at our website www.Britsin.LA

If you are at Coachella Music Festival this weekend I hear that dust/sand masks are the accessory of the weekend – have fun and stay hydrated! Tweet or Instagram us your pics of British Acts playing on the Polo Field to @BritsinLA – best one wins a pat on the back!


