Here comes Primark; plus some cheeky Bingo…

Hey Breeps!

Craig with Shannon Holt and Bruno Tonioli at the Malibu Playhouse
Craig with Shannon Holt and Bruno Tonioli at the Malibu Playhouse

Hot topics this week: Primark or Prim-ani (play on Armani) as it is commonly referred to, is set to grace US shores -no date set for L.A. just yet – but the flagship will be in Boston. Bit of a trek, but it will make the missus happy no doubt. Our American friends won’t have a clue what it is I’m talking about. Primark, which started in Dublin back in 1969, is a popular chain of budget clothing stores with 162 locations in the UK. Think Sam’s, Michael’s or Marshall’s here, but way, way, way cheaper. You can get a whole outfit, including shoes for $100 and throw in a bottle of aftershave too. Now all this comes with a warning, these said items are not very well made and may only last you one washing cycle, so be prepared for them to fall apart after a night out of boogie (or whatever you kids call it these days, Twerking?) but joining the ranks of previous outlets, Topshop and H&M, the Brits cannot wait for Primark to make its mark in on the West Coast.

BritWeek is on!    

Britweek is all a flutter, and we are excited to be co-hosting a screening and after-party for Amanda Eliasch’s movie “The Gun, The Cake & The Butterfly” at the Arclight Cinema on Monday in association with Jaguar and Genlux magazine. All of our key members are invited to come along and enjoy the exclusive after-party. I was fortunate to sit down and have lunch with Amanda last week at The Ivy, and she is a truly remarkable lady. A beautiful, creative, unique butterfly herself.

 Eyes down, full house

Well, cheeky Bingo was such a huge success that we are making it a weekly event. Come join us after the game at around 9.30pm for free rounds and chances to win great prizes. Come early to get a good seat. At The Parlor Hollywood, 7250 Melrose Avenue, just west of La Brea.

Embrace your inner Coward

Also The Vortex is still playing and my good friend Bruno Tonioli from Dancing wIth the Stars came to support us on opening night. Actress Shannon Holt, who plays Florence in the play was beside herself as she is a huge fan of his. We have a few weeks remaining so come down, enjoy the ride and the ocean view and see some great theatre in Malibu. – Tickets available at use the code BLA for a $10 discount and a free drink at interval. Doesn’t get any better than that!


Here at BritsInLA we are deluged with questions about life in LA but the majority of queries focus on driver’s licenses, social security cards and passports. So we’ve made a blogpost just for you guys so it’s all in one place.  Check it out

Cheers! Craig

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