A better than Sterling welcome…

Los Angeles has many facets; some amazing, some mediocre and some ever so horrid.

However a whole new side was revealed to me this week with the revelations about LA Clippers’ owner. Donald Sterling’s ignorant and hurtful comments really upset me. I am aware racism exists, and – believe it or not – I have been on the receiving end of it several times, but this story made me very sad. Mainly because Sterling chose to work with people he obviously detests, plus the fact he lives only a few miles away from us.

Mozzer stuff: now at Mr Musichead on Melrose Avenue
Mozzer stuff: now at Mr Musichead on Melrose Avenue

I do remember moving to LA (in 1997) and being a little confused and uncomfortable even,  at how segregated it is. Especially compared to my hometown of London. As time has gone by I have started to understand how places like Little Armenia or Koreatown have evolved. LA is definitely an immigrant city, and when you are far away from home one does get an urge to be around people of the same ilk. Some might suppose that Brits in LA has created a similar kind of environment, however, they would be wrong! We are fortunate enough to be one of the most multicultural social groups in Southern California; we are a great mix of colours and nationalities, ranging from British (obviously!) Irish, Swedish to Australian to Indian to West Indian, to French, German, African, Vietnamese, Chinese, Americans and lots of others in-between. I think the group’s common bond is that we are all seeking out like-minded (and open-minded) people. We don’t discriminate on age or sexuality either – after a while one starts to think this is the general consensus. This can be quite a dangerous bubble, as when you step outside and see what’s going on in the rest of the town, or in fact the entire country, you get a bit of a shock. Hence my surprise at Mr Sterling’s vulgar comments.

I had a whole different column written out for this week, but these headlines in the news compelled me to express my disgust  on this topic. I wanted to make it clear that at Brits in LA we welcome and embrace everyone. Just this morning I received an email asking “is it ok to bring an American to breakfast”, and in case you were wondering, my reply was “Yes of course, bring two if you like”!

Which leads me on to the straw that caused my sudden theme change for this week. I attended Kevin Cummins’ photo exhibit on Wednesday. Kevin (we are on first name terms since meeting at the Glenfiddich tasting table!) hails from Manchester and is known for his rock photography; he spent 10 years as the chief photographer at NME and has shot everyone from Mick Jagger to Ian Curtis and David Bowie. His current show is entitled ‘Moz Goes to Hollywood: Photographs of The Smiths and Morrissey by Kevin Cummins’, available for your viewing pleasure at Mr Musichead (7511 Sunset Blvd) from May 3rd – May 14th. Pictures of Morrissey are what prompted me to speak my mind. The former Smiths frontman is probably one of the most controversial British people living in LA and he speaks out on any issue that disturbs him, like it or lump it. At the same time he appears to me to be one of the most open-minded and accepting role models I have come across. I attended a concert of his not so long ago, and was surprised at his huge Latino fan base – Morrissey wasn’t. He had gone out of his way to learn a bit of Spanish so he could communicate with his adoring fans! I don’t always agree with his opinions and occasionally find them ridiculous, but the positive side is that, in America we are still allowed freedom of speech – which may be Donald Sterling’s lucky break. I say never trust a man named after a duck!

If you want to make a change in our society you can start off by registering to vote (then actually voting!)  as long as you are a citizen! Deadlines for the Primary Elections are: to register to vote: May 19th; Last day to apply to vote by mail: May 27th; Election Day: June 3rd. So go on,  make a difference!


That’s all for this week, but make sure to visit our website for all upcoming Brits in LA events. Including our World Cup Viewing Party Schedule! We also have a weekly Breakfast Club, Bingo Pub Quiz and a Sunday Roast! Come one, come all, whoever you are!




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