Who the Kell is that?

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OS-BOURNE AGAIN? Kelly now and then

A trim Kelly Osbourne stepped out at NY Fashion Week recently , looking more like Paris Hilton than herself.

The 25-year-old – who dropped a stone during her first three weeks of Dancing With the Stars training – has kept the weight off and even dropped a few more pounds.
She said: ‘I was expecting to put on weight after the show, but I’ve actually lost a few more pounds. I think my metabolism is just faster now.’
Her short leather dress was the only tell-tale sign that it was the rock offspring of Ozzy and Sharon, rather than another blonde socialite doing the rounds.
You look great Kell, but don’t shed your personality along with the weight. We expect you to keep mouthing off, swearing like a trooper, and injecting some much needed personality into the celeb world. There’s plenty of C-listers who can just do thin and blonde!

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