Meet A Member: Guy Salisbury

Meet Guy Salisbury from Basingstoke (Amazingstoke as we used to call it) who moved to LA three years ago (before that OC & Laguna Beach for about seven years) to pursue/continue a finance career. Now Guy works in real estate finance (Need a mortgage – Contact me!)


meet-a-memberWas there a particular reason you chose LA?

LA is a slow seduction – someone I met when I first moved here…but to answer your question, I wanted a change from living in OC – I just got out of a long-term relationship and all my clients were up here.  I used to commute to see them a few times a week and really didn’t think much of LA at first…A lot of traffic, not the best looking city.

BUT THEN…I started finding my way around – Finding out exactly where to go when I wanted to do something fun and amazing.  Beach, hike, restaurant, club, bar, spa, yoga, crystals, art shows, museums, plays, galleries, shopping, the list is endless and all here in my wonderful city that is now very much…HOME

What one thing do you miss from home?

The smell of freshly cut grass in the summer – England’s attempt at summer.  But a reassuring feeling is that anywhere in the world is only one day away so I tend not to miss it and look forward to going back for short visits.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

Gosh… Great question…The sky is the limit here – go after your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you – People here are going for it! I am going for it!  This is the land of “what I can imagine I can create” and I LOVE IT.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

A great day out would be to start with a walk on the beach in Malibu, then hike to Escondido Waterfall in Malibu. Perhaps a quick run through the Getty Villa, lunch at Cafe Habana. The Norton Simon Museum is fab and then perhaps dinner at Vinoteque in Hollywood or the Ace hotel downtown for a few drinks too. Oooh yes, Hollywood Forever in the summer is really fun also, the Downtown art walk is great too….

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Give LA a chance, get out and see as much as you can.  Lots of wonderful art galleries and shows on.  Brave the traffic, listen to audio books to calm yourself.  Great hikes…I know, in LA!  Yelp is a good guide for everything too. Brits in LA Facebook page is a wonderful resource for info too.