LA Heatwave: have fun but stay safe…

By Eileen Lee, Brits in LA founder


Summertime and the living is easy….I don’t know where George Gershwin had the pleasure of spending his summer months, but it isn’t so easy when summer hits LA! The drought is the first thing we have to deal with. Anyone remember the British message in 1976 – ‘Save Water, Bath with a Friend’? I am not sure I am up for that, but I have been looking at ways to conserve. I tried showering with a bucket next to me to catch the excess to water my plants, but I nearly kicked the bucket – literally! I’ve resorted to watering my pots late at night instead. I don’t have the tap running when I brush my teeth and use my dish water to water the garden. If you have any good tips we would love to hear them.

THE UGLY TRUTH: Sun damage is no laughing matter...
THE UGLY TRUTH: Sun damage is no laughing matter…

Ants are a right bugger in the summer, as they are too in search of a drink. I’ve tried natural remedies like talcum powder, vinegar and even coffee grounds which all make a right mess, and serve as no deterrent for my uninvited guests. Luckily, I came across ant hotels at the supermarket and they seem to do the best job for me. Be careful if you have pets though as I don’t think the two mix well.

Sunscreen is a must – even when you are in the car. Have you seen the photo that has been all over the internet this week? Bill McElligott (left)  is a truck driver who has severe sun damage on half of his face. The lack of sun protection over the course of his 28 years of driving aged his left side by about 20 years! Make sure you cover up ALL of the time – protect your kids too – make sunscreen part of their morning routine along with brushing their teeth! Only the other day a parent told me she didn’t think she had to apply sunscreen during term time as her kid was in school! She had only recently moved here from the UK so I forgive her ignorance as in Britain they call it ‘suntan lotion’ not ‘sunblock’!

It goes without saying to leave your pets at home, not in your cars! I issue this reminder every year as not a summer goes by without a news story of a dog being left in a car for ‘only a few minutes’ then the owner returns to find them suffering from extreme heat exhaustion or even dead. Cut out the “How Long Does It Take for A Car To Get Hot’ chart below and stick it on your fridge for all to see. If you see a dog left in a car, even with the windows open, don’t ignore it, do  something!

After my little safe summer lecture, you may be dreading it now! Don’t despair, as there are lots of great aspects to summer in LA too – not least is that we are driving distance to fantastic beaches! My favorite is El Matador, so secluded and peaceful – if you have a favorite beach and want to share with us, you can tweet us @BritsinLA. Strawberry season is also here and that means the California Strawberry Festival is happening! It’s this weekend, May 17th-18th up in Oxnard featuring lots of entertainment and strawberry treats. And local favorites The Young Dubliners are even playing! Visit for all the details.

bila-car-hotIf you have the song “Summertime” now stuck in your head – why not head down town  to the Ahmanson Theatre as Porgy and Bess is on until June 1st! We even have a 30% discount! Use the discount code BROADWAY. Tickets can be purchased at:

Make sure to check our website for all our upcoming summer events. www.Britsin.LA.

Thats all for this week , I hope my tips will help you have a fabulous summer!






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