Meet A Member: Peter Morton

Meet Brits in LA Member Peter Morton from Buckinghamshire who moved to LA four years ago ….’to pursue the lifestyle’.


PHOTO: Joanna Wood
PHOTO: Joanna Wood

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

My girlfriend chose Los Angeles for me. I had never been before but she was adamant that she was moving here and she knew that I would love it. She was 100% correct.

What one thing do you miss from home?

Lucozade Original, apparently it cannot be acquired out here due to an ingredient that is banned in the US

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

The sunshine, which I think puts people in generally better moods.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Franklin Park hiking trail; nice and secluded plus there are turtles!!

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Plan carefully, make sure you have enough set-up money then buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Lastly , how can we find you on the Internet?

My songwriter alter ego is Mortzo if you Google that you will find examples of songs I have written. I am also performing in the upcoming American Premiere of An Evening with Gary Lineker alongside fellow Brits Larmona Watts, Sandro Monetti, Clare Cordinley and the fantastic Ewan Chung. The show is two nights only, June 1st and June 8th, at the Working Stage Theatre in West Hollywood. More info can be found HERE

You can also check out a pilot episode for a show about life after the long-running British TV kid’s show Grange Hill, called (appropriately enough) Over the Hill, by clicking HERE…