Meet a Member: Lamorna Watts

Meet Lamorna Watts from Bristol, UK who moved to LA 3 years  ago to pursue an acting career


Meet-a-memberWas there a particular reason you chose LA?

It was either Australia or LA and as LA is the epicenter for the ‘industry’ it was the obvious choice. It’s where I need to be!

 What one thing do you miss from home?

Oh you know….. the perpetually grey skies, torrential icy downpours and bitterly cold winds. Yep I really miss that 😉

 What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

The weather obviously plays a MAJOR factor! I love being so near to stunning hikes and the beach however the traffic REALLY is a killer.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Rockwell in the heart of Los Feliz is a great place to watch incredibly talented and often undiscovered artists. Another favorite is No Vacancy on Hollywood Blvd – a speak easy that is QUITE the experience

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here ? 

SAVE MONEY!  Buy a car! Stay strong and NEVER GIVE UP THE DREAM!


 Lastly, how can we find you on the Internet ?

Come watch us perform An Evening with Gary Lineker on June 1st and 8th, tickets can be found at You’ll be in for a real comedy treat, See you there!

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