Cheryl gives Ashley the Cole shoulder

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Cheryl Cole has jetted out to Los Angeles, leaving cheating hubby Ashley Cole at home to think about what he’s done.

The Girls Aloud star is said to be ‘livid’ with him over allegations that he exchanged ‘sext’ messages and cheated on her with a secretary, so just twelve hours after her Brits performance she headed to Heathrow.

The singer is coming over to work on some new solo material in the recording studio in a week-long session that was booked a month ago.

Meanwhile, Ashley is laid up at their Surrey mansion with a broken ankle. Diddums. It’s a good job he’s not playing at the moment as I think most of the country is Team Cheryl.

The gorge girl arrived on stage at the Brits to a standing ovation, and the crowd could be heard chanting ‘Dump him, dump him.’

I agree! It’s not like Cheryl is a typical WAG who relies on her husband for cash or status. She’s a successful singer and TV star and doesn’t need to be saddled to a love rat.

Cheryl hasn’t made any comment over the latest string of allegations against her husband but she’s taken her wedding ring off and a source says: ‘By going ahead with her performance in front of the celebrity audience and the millions watching on TV, she was sending out a clear message to Ashley that he will not take her pride away – whatever he does.’

Fight for this Love? I say fight him for half of the house, love.

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