Meet a Member: Annie McQueen

Meet Brits in LA Member and singer/songerwriter Annie McQueen, originally from Sheffield, who moved to Tinseltown six years ago.


annie-mcqueenWas there a particular reason you chose LA?

My partner TJ Ramini is an actor and was ready to take on Hollywood after doing various TV shows in England, and I thought ‘why not’? I’d done the live circuit gigging around London and was up for a change


What’s the one thing you miss from home?

Public transport! I really miss not being able to jump on the tube to get around; being in the car all the time is a bit solitary, although I actually love driving in LA; much easier than London! You really get a feel for the people of a city if you use the public transport. For the first two years in LA I didn’t drive, so I took the buses everywhere and observed some amazing characters along the way. It’s also a good way of learning the map of the city.


What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?

Space. There’s so much of it! When I first arrived here I couldn’t believe how much space per person there was! I can literally walk two blocks in Santa Monica and not pass a soul, quite a difference to Oxford Street! When I first moved to LA I was a little overwhelmed with just how big everything is; I felt really small! (granted, I’m only a little over 5’2” anyway!) The width of the streets, roads, size of buildings etc., but now I’m so used to it, I really notice how small everything is back home. Well, quaint!


Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I’m not sure this is considered hidden, but it’s a bit of a gem; when having to take the 405 (North or South) during rush hour, consider taking Sepulveda instead. I can’t count the number of times I’ve whizzed up or down Sepulveda alongside a 405 chock-full of traffic without sitting bumper to bumper for an hour. It’s a bit windy but still quicker than the alternative.


What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Save lots of money and do your research. Come and do a couple of reccies and find a really good immigration lawyer. Immerse yourself in reading about what you need to make the move; visas etc. and if you can come in and work in the industry of your choice. It’s not easy! But do-able if you’re organized and committed.



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