Great British people, film festivals, World Cup viewing

Hey Breeps:

I always say to people that it takes a certain kind of British person to pack up, say goodbye and move 6000 miles away to start a new life. Most every Brit ex-pat that I have encountered tends to have a hugely positive outlook on life and embrace the anything-is-possible attitude that is so familiar to LA. We rally around each other, help those in need, and support those that are doing well. Not very often do I earwig on conversations featuring phrases like: “Oh , it’s sooooo hard” “Who does he think he is?” “He needs knocking down a peg or two,” or “Getting too big for his britches that one.”

Now perhaps there are a few naysayers out there, However, I think the good outweighs the bad. And sometimes when people first arrive they are a little put off by the Brits in LA’s attitude of offering a helping hand. As though it’s not normal, because perhaps back in the UK this doesn’t happen too often. Anyway my point is that that I see examples everyday of our community helping each other and that warms my heart. I want to dedicate this week’s column to all those who have volunteered their time to us as a community, whether hosting our pub quiz, handling check-in, helping us decorate, acting as the mayor of our Breakfast Club, or just providing a great piece of advice for a newcomer. Thank you all so much for being that certain type of Brite you are…. and LA thanks you too. STAY CALM and KEEP HELPING!

BEFORE THE FALL: Our World Cup viewing party drew a hopeful crowd...
BEFORE THE FALL: Our World Cup viewing party drew a hopeful crowd…

While I was in NYC last weekend I heard our World Cup kick-off party hosted by Brits in LA, Bafta-Los Angeles and Planet Dailies at the Farmer’s Market was a huge success, produced by Eileen Lee and hosted by our quiz show maestro extraordinaire, Sandro Monetti. The USA match against Guyana was thrilling, more like a blood sport! And watching injuries played back in super slo-mo seems to be ESPN’s showpiece right now, now add 3D – and Ouch!

England’s hopes may be over following Thursday’s heartbreaking loss to Uruguay but we still have tickets available for the Costa Rica game and encourage you all to come down and cheer on the team. Tickets available at

The World Cup is keeping our regular contributor Steve Sidelnyk very busy – his commentary and predictions can be found on our blog

I’m now currently on a bit of a festival tour with my short film “Pepper” co-directing with Marc Cleary (whose birthday it is this weekend – shoutout!!!) and starring the incredibly talented Scott Kaske. We have been invited to the Palm Springs ShortFest and the San Fransisco Frameline Film Festival. Local film festivals are a great way for you to get your film noticed and if you get to go you can promote your film and pitch upcoming projects, but mainly to be around other film makers is really exciting and encouraging. So many Brits in LA members helped to make our film and I have a complete sense of accomplishment, achievement and pride that you all had a hand in helping make it. So thank you so much. I love our community so much, we really are a great and supportive bunch! Keep it up and we’ll be buying shares in our little retirement village – Brit Village – Who’s in?

Cheers and see you soon!
