Li-Lo plans to lie low – in Britain!

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Lock up your sons! (And daughters!) Wildchild Lindsay Lohan is planning on moving from La La-Land to London.

After spending a week partying in the capital (sorry – I mean throwing fundraisers for Haiti) she tweeted: “Moving to the UK is in my near future,’ and then said: ‘better dj’s/music and Paris is just a Chunnel away!”

Linds has spent all week doing interviews with The Sun newspaper, talking candidly about her drug abuse and stormy relationship with Samantha Ronson. The 23-year-old describes her terror at collapsing in her bathroom after taking Ambien, her three stints in rehab and how she still loves Sam but felt that the Ronson family came between them.

“I tried to mask my problems with alcohol, cocaine and mind-altering substances. Now I’m in a place where I don’t need to use anything and I can feel emotions because I choose to,” she says.

But she still drinks, and reckons she’s allowed to have the odd tipple because she ‘knows her limits’. I hope so Li-Lo – otherwise fourth time’s a charm for rehab right?

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