Leona’s all skin and bone-r

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Leona Lewis has slimmed down from a size 14 to a size 10 after undergoing a major detox while in LA recording her album. And now she says she feels less self-conscious about her weight than she used to.

But I think she may have taken it a bit too far. Leona looks gorgeous, as always, in the pics, but she’s getting a bit too skinny for my liking. I hope being in La La land hasn’t got to her because I think I prefer her with a few more curves!

Apparently Leona winced when a member of her team told Grazia magazine that she’s lost weight recently, saying ‘That’s what everyone’s been saying but I’m quite an average size. I’ve always been conscious of my weight.’

Surely if you’ve dropped two dress sizes though, you’d know about it!

And admits that being famous also makes her more self-conscious about what she wears.

‘Now I sometimes feel like I can’t wear certain things, so I’ve stopped looking at photos of myself. You become more self-conscious.’

You’re gorge Leona – but don’t lose any more weight please! Leave the extreme skinny to Vic-bore-ia!

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