Mezhgan’s got the X-Factor and Simon IS engaged!

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Simon Cowell puckered up with is-she, isn’t-she fiancée Mezhgan Hussainy on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show this week and looked almost loved up.

EYES WIDE OPEN? Simon and Mezghan lock lips

The usually unflappable American Idol and X-Factor judge actually went red when Jay asked him about the new lady in his life and if the engagement rumors were true. Most unlike smart-arsed Simon’s usual cool and composed responses.

He stumbled: ‘Are they true? Well, I do have somebody in my life now, Jay, yes.’

Simon then recovered enough to tell Jay he wanted a wedding ‘sometime in the next ten years.’

I saw Simon at Elton’s Oscar party on Sunday and he was glued to Mezhgan’s side. On other years he’s been running around and having fun with pals like Paul McKenna but this year he was happy to play the dutiful boyf to his foxy fiancée. She’s obviously got to him!

Mezhgan then appeared on the Leno set and the couple shared a very awkward TV kiss. One tip Si: you might want to shut your eyes next time. It looks like you’re too busy thinking about Idol’s top twelve to get into it.

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