Keira’s Ship Sails As Penelope Cruises With Pirates!

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The ‘Duchess’ of Hollywood Keira Knightley has lowered the boom on the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Knightley who shot to fame in 2003 playing Elizabeth Swan in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, has confirmed that she will NOT be reprising her role in the fourth Pirates flick.

Knightley said: “I said when I finished the trilogy that that was going to be it — I had a wonderful time on it and I met some extraordinary people but you know, I think, for me three is enough, definitely.”

Penelope Cruz, who previously worked with Johnny Depp in the movie Blow, is rumored to be the new female lead, alongside Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, in the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. And forget the script. Johnny alone would have me signing on the dotted line!

Knightley’s former co-star, British heartthrob Orlando Bloom, has also reportedly put his swashbuckling days behind him by withdrawing from the next installment of Pirates. To be honest, Orlando’s not done much since Pirates so I think his ship may have sailed.

Don’t worry about Knightley keeping busy though, as she just wrapped production on three films set to be released later this year, including London Boulevard opposite bad boy Colin Farrell.

I’m also hearing Knightley might be trading one major action franchise in for another as the buzz about tinseltown is that she’s up against Young Victoria star Emily Blunt for the female lead in the upcoming film adaptation of the Captain America comic books, The First Avenger: Captain America.

So she could be swapping Captain Sparrow for Captain America, who is rumoured to be Fantastic Fourstar Chris Evans. Hmm, think I’d have stuck with Cap’n Sparrow myself!

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