Jamie: stuck between a rock and a fat place!

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Poor Jamie Oliver got shot down by David Letterman this week when he appeared on The Late show to promote Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.

The celeb chef’s show sees him traveling to Huntington, West Virginia (AKA the most unhealthy city in America) to try and educate the locals about their eating habits, in the same way he did for Brits.

But – and no offence to my American friends – it turns out that the stubborn locals don’t really care for his ideas about extending their lives and improving the health of their families. At one point in the show Jamie ends up crying because people don’t want to do anything about their terrible diets. Pizza for breakfast anyone?

But you’d have thought David Letterman would be on board, and although Dave praised Jamie’s cause in theory, he said the crusade was doomed to failure because of there being so many fast food chains in the US.

He said: ‘As long as we are trying to feed this many people we are going to continue to eat bad food. And you think McDonald’s is going to close down? No, they’re not going to close down.’

Then, even more controversially, he claimed that Jamie would never get people to eat more healthily and that the only way to lose weight was by using diet pills.

‘After five or six, ten or 20 years of trying to lose weight there is nothing in this culture you can do to lose weight short of medication,’ he said.

I’m totally floored. He’s basically saying there’s no point in even trying to get people to eat better food, and that American is a culture of fast food that will never change.

Ignorance is bliss, eh? And morbidly obese too, most likely.

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