Tickets almost gone for Q&A with Consul General Chris O’Connor

A very few tickets are still available to see British Consul-General Chris O’Connor speak at the Orange County chapter of the British American Business Council’s Young Professional Luncheon on Friday, March 4th.

Chris_O_ConnorThe event kicks off with a noon lunch followed by conversation and Q&A with Mr. O’Connor, who has been the local consul general since 2013. He represents the UK government in Southern California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Hawaii, promoting trade and investment, scientific cooperation, creative and media collaborations and educational partnerships between the UK and the southwestern United States. He also oversees delivery of essential consular services to a 600,000-strong British resident community and British visitors numbering over a million per year. Prior to his current role, Chris was UK Ambassador to Tunisia from 2008-2013. He has worked in British embassies in Cairo, Riyadh and Beirut as well as the British High Commission in Ottawa and the UK Delegation to NATO. He was head of the UK Foreign Office Middle East Peace Process Team in London from 2003-2005.

Chris speaks Spanish, French and Arabic.

For tickets visit Address disclosed upon registration.

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