Has Sting gone potty?

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Sting has caused outrage among anti-drugs campaigners and health experts after calling to legalise cannabis.

The singer reckons that the war on drugs has failed and that the money would be better spent on solving poverty and global warming.

On his official blog, the 58-year-old wrote: ‘The War on Drugs has failed – but it’s worse than that,’ he wrote. ‘It is actively harming our society. Violent crime is thriving in the shadows to which the drug trade has been consigned.

‘People who genuinely need help can’t get it. Neither can people who need medical marijuana to treat terrible diseases.

‘We are spending billions, filling up our prisons with non-violent offenders and sacrificing our liberties.’

But anti-drugs group DARE reckons he should stick to singing and stop sticking his nose in to political matters.

A source there said, ‘He should stick to singing and not meddle in matters he doesn’t understand. We do not need pop stars coming out and making irresponsible statements like that.’

So is Sting potty for wanting to legalise waccy baccy, or is he making a good point? Sounds like the controversy is just beginning!

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