We all know diets work – for a short period of time!
But then the body adjusts, dieters lose motivation and all that weight piles back on again – often worse than before.
If you want to never go on a diet again you need to figure out why diets don’t work in the long term. But take heart, because keeping up the momentum daily in your life and not going on a quick fix diet is easier than you think.
We all know the benefits of bringing your weight down to healthy level and building muscle, not fat: increased sexiness, higher energy levels, lower stress levels, improved sleep, reduced risk of disease diabetes and stroke, lower blood pressure, reduced chance of cancer, longer life, happier and more positive mindset…need I go on?
So if you’re looking for a simple way to eat without going on a quick-fix diet, consider the following:
- eat minimally processed foods (live food)
- Drink water )not soft drinks, not diet drinks and not ‘zero’ drinks
- Fill most of your plate with fibrous veg
- Add lean protein to each meal when possible
- Add a splash of good fats, a few nuts, and some avocado when possible
- Include a little fibrous carbohydrate, like brown rice, and frontload your day with them.
- Keep portions small and eat regularly
Remember to look at your plate and ask these questions: is this real/live food? Is there a lot of
veg in it? What about high quality protein? Are there simple carbs (pasta/ice cream/chocolate/wineon your plate? If so, did you earn them. What about brown/live/complex carbs?
When shopping: do not shop hungry. Seek foods not in a packet. Always check the back for sugar content. If it has more than 2 ingredients – think twice about buying it!
When at home: stock the fridge with as little temptation as possible. Fill up the kitchen bowls with fruit, natural/live foods and not sugary sweets! Avoid having alcohol in the house – make yourself have to go out and buy it! Buy a blender to make healthy shakes for quick fixes.
Remember: there are no bad foods – only overloading yourself with a food causes you to be unhealthy!
Foods to Earn/eat only occasionally: Pastries/donuts/sweet foods. Deep fried foods. Sodas and fizzy drinks. Processed foods. Cheap Foods. Highly processed and sugar cereals.
At our state-of-the-art facility The Body Camp (www.bodycamp.com) on Ibiza in Spain’s beautiful Balearic Islands, we follow our principles rigorously during camp. And our clients who take these principles home with them also great success. So now its your turn….what are you waiting for?
Rick Parcell
Master Coach